2017年6月6日,在美国旧金山州立大学设计学院Ricardo Gomes教授的指导下,参与北京理工大学设计与艺术学院“防止老人摔倒设计工作坊”的学生对本次课程的成果进行了汇报和展示,本次工作坊圆满结束。工作坊由邱越副教授协助主持,博士生孟雨可协助教学。
In Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) tutored by Prof. Ricardo GOMES from San Francisco State University, the Workshop of Fall Prevention for Aging in Place in China is perfectly ended on 2017.Jun.6th with final presentation of excellent work of every participant. The Workshop, together hosted by Prof.QIU Yue and assisted by doctoral candidate MENG Yuke, was supported by Industrial Design Department of BIT.
在本次工作坊中, Gomes教授讲授了“以人为中心”的设计策略和设计方法;带领学生们研究分析了中国老年人群特点及需求,有针对性地设计帮助他们避免摔倒、更好的融入现代生活的产品。19位学生分成5组,在两周内完成了大量的实践性工作,包括:调研和观察、定义设计对象、绘制故事版和描述场景、绘制思维导图和头脑风暴、提出问题和解决方案、作出原型进行测试、产品品牌设计。严谨的创新方法加之超大工作量的努力工作,同学们取得了令人满意的设计成果。
In the Workshop, Prof. Gomes gave lecture about human-centered design strategy and design methods, and guided students to study the elderly in China and design trolley to prevent them from falling. 19 students, separated into 5 groups, worked intensively and finished processes from research and observation to prototype and brand making in 2 weeks.
结课发表 Final Presentation
小组讨论 Group discussion
头脑风暴 Brainstorming
草图构思和小比例模型阶段指导 Sketches and scaled model
Following introductions are concepts and work from each group.
Project 1:
小组名称 (Group Name):Fairy & Viruses
小组LOGO (Group LOGO):
作品名称:Go Puppy
Product Name:Go Puppy
Group Members:LI Saisai, WANG Jun, ZHAO Siyuan, CHEN Kexin
Go Puppy以“家”和“小区散步道”为场景挖掘问题点,以老年人的孤独感为关键词。为了解决腿脚不便的老人遛狗问题以及稳定性问题而设计老年人推车。这个结合储物箱、铲粪器、安全防缠绕的磁力链接绳、手刹、三轮稳定的手推车设计,能够让腿脚不便的老人也能在爱犬的陪伴下在户外遛弯。同时可以在不弯腰的情况下清理宠物粪便。
Focusing on the keyword "loneliness" and the scenarios "home" and "neighborhood ", "Go Puppy" is to offer elders stability and convenience when they are accompanied by dogs. Combined with rope and tools, this trolley helps the elderly to walk the dogs easily and clean the feces without bending down.
Project 2:
小组名称(Group Name): TF Girls
小组及作品LOGO (Group & Brand LOGO) :
作品名称:With U Walker
Product Name:With U Walker
Group Members:HUANG Wenqi, XIN Hang, WANG Bei, WANG Tongtong
With U Walker助行器主要是为了帮助老年人在室内环境中的行走而设计。着重考虑应用于浴室的环境,能够适应洗浴的一系列需求。托盘和储物袋设计能够放置不同物品,它们可以拆卸下来,使得产品更加轻便。可旋转的坐板满足坐与立两种使用方式。“又”字造型的设计使得老年人在任何姿势下都有把手能够支撑,应用更广泛。
With U walker is aiming indoor scenario for the elderly, especially in bathroom. Removable storage rooms and tray help the elder to move easily with/without carrying stuff. Collapsible seat and the form inspired from Chinese character “ 又 ” (pronounced as U) provide the elder good support.
Project 3:
小组名称(Group Name):Twins
作品LOGO(Brand LOGO):
Product Name:Twins
Group Members:SHI Ge, QI Xin, SUN Wenting, LI Xiaoxuan
Twins trolley helps elder both indoor and outdoor. Two crutches are designed to be used as handles of trolley and they can be used inside the house instead of trolley in small room. With a click on the button, the bag can be lifted automatically so elders can take their goods easily. The name Twins stands for the pair of crutches, with the meaning bringing youth to color the elders lives.
Project 4:
小组名称(Group Name): 3 in 1
小组LOGO (Group LOGO):
作品名称:腋下支撑助立手推车 TROLLEY
Product Name:TROLLEY
Group Members:LIU Shuai, LING Xiaodong, CHI Yufeng
The concept comes from the fact, that elders share a common problem which is having difficulties to stand up because of the lack of ability to grasp and weakness of limbs, and current products, such as barrier-free handrail, require relatively higher strength. This trolley can oxster elder with gas spring and help them to live safely
Project 5:
小组名称(Group Name):Flower 4
小组及作品LOGO (Group&Brand LOGO):
Product Name:HOLD MAN
Group Members:WANG Xiaozhuan, WANG Minsi, LIU Siwei, LIU Tengfang
HOLD MAN 是一款针对老年人上下楼梯及户外出行的手推车。以提高老年人的生活质量为目标。集“座椅、盛物、拐杖”功能于一体。HOLD MAN经过折叠有着不同的呈现方式。外出时,老人可以双手推行;劳累时,可折叠座椅随时提供休息区;盛物时,可拆卸布袋完全解放双手;上下楼梯时,手推车立刻化身为多功能拐杖。
HOLD MAN is a trolley designed to help the elder to go up/downstairs and outside. HOLD MAN is nicely functional with removable walking sticks, shiftable bag and folding seat to support the elder in different situations.
教授简介 Brief Introducing of Professor R. Gomes
Ricardo Gomes教授, 工业设计师,建筑师。在旧金山州立大学执教25年,并在2002-2012年间担任工业设计系系主任。他在通用设计、生活与社会创新设计领域有着丰富的经验。多年来致力于为老年人、非洲贫困地区等需要帮助的人群而设计。